So That You Also May Believe

The Gospel according to John

Paul ParkMarch 9, 2025

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Passage: John 19:31-37

Jesus' sacrificial death on the cross for our redemption is one of the most brutal, and yet, beautiful depictions of love known to humankind. As Jesus' side is pierced, blood and water pour out, signifying the ironic reality of Jesus' living water (representing the Holy Spirit) giving life to all he touches. The streams of living water flow from Jesus--the true temple of God--to those of us who have been touched and transformed by his gospel. As John provides his eyewitness account of Jesus' death (his glory), he tells us plainly that the whole point of him telling us this truth is so that we also may believe. The appropriate response for the readers is to believe in Jesus. Faith, here, does not mean mere belief. It connotes loyalty, allegiance, and following faithfully. This is perhaps why Christ followers, for centuries, have insisted on terms like discipleship--to become faithful followers of Jesus or imitators of him; people who place Jesus on their lives' thrones and in the centre of their lives and build their entire lives upon this foundation of truth. Will you follow him? We pray that you will believe! 

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Sermons in The Gospel according to John