Complete Surrender

The Gospel according to John

Paul ParkAugust 18, 2024

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Passage: John 11:45-57

The leaders of Israel perceived Jesus' amazing power to heal and even bring Lazarus back to life as a threat rather than evidence that he is someone worth following because they led from a place of jealousy and insecurity. Unlike Jesus, who gave his life to save others, these leaders were concerned for their place and status in their nation rather than the actual welfare of the people of Israel. One of the biggest obstacles for faithful discipleship is selfishness. When we put ourselves before everything else, we are robbed of an opportunity to experience the power of Jesus in our lives. Jesus calls us to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow him. The gospel is an invitation for us to fight the off-ramp of selfishness and to pursue a faithful obedience to Jesus' way of redemption, which will require complete surrender and total submission. But this is true freedom: to be free from the enslavement of selfishness and sin, and to be unleashed to pursue a life that redeems the world to Christ.

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Sermons in The Gospel according to John