The Grace Exchange

The Gospel according to John

Jayson OldhamFebruary 23, 2025

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Passage: John 19:23-27

This past Sunday, while following our text in the Gospel of John, we see Jesus enduring the agony and excruciating pain of the cross. Stripped of all his clothing, which the Roman guards would then divide up and gamble for, Jesus is taking on the full humiliation and shame of sin. In a beautiful exchange of grace, as followers of Jesus, we are now clothed in his righteousness. There is also a profound prophetic connection with this crucifixion account in John and a song of lament (Psalm 22) written by King David some 1000 years prior. Lastly, it is also incredible to behold the compassion Jesus has towards his mother as he speaks to her from the cross and ensures that she is cared for, from this point onward.

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Sermons in The Gospel according to John