Jesus Came to Save the World

The Gospel according to John

Jordan ScottSeptember 15, 2024

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Passage: John 12:37-50

John Chapter 12 closes the curtain on Jesus public ministry and serves as a major transition between Act I of the gospel leading to Act II. Chapter 13 begins Jesus farewell discourse with his disciples and leads to the passion narrative: Jesus' trial, crucifixion, death, and resurrection. John uses this transition to provide a final statement regarding the response to Jesus' message and claims and includes a final challenge from Jesus to believe.

Jesus will assert once again his primary message: John 12:46, "I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness." This text prompts us to consider questions like:

  • What is your response to Jesus?
  • What is your source of truth? Your guide in life? What do you place your faith and trust in that is shaping and informing you on what it means to live a thriving and flourishing life in this world?

Jesus is all about rescue, redemption, and restoration. He rescues us from darkness, sin, and from patterns of thinking and living that lead us astray, away from God, and away from obedience to his ways. And he does this by inviting us into a personal saving relationship with him defined by love, grace, truth, mercy, and kindness. How will you respond and how will you live in light of this reality?

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Sermons in The Gospel according to John