SDBC Kids Family Service "Lesson Wrap-up"

Standalone Sermons

Jordan ScottJune 23, 2024

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Passage: Psalms 19:1-14

During our special family-themed Sunday service, we learned a powerful lesson: when you are struggling, feeling down, and joy is nowhere to be seen, open your eyes and look around. Use your senses to behold God's handiwork, marvel at his creation, and recognize his presence in the world around you. This simple act can help us tap into the joy that we have in Christ.

When we put this lesson into action, it ultimately draws us closer to God. We are reminded that Jesus loves us deeply and wants a personal relationship with us as our Lord and Saviour. He wants to be our guide and leader, helping us navigate life each and every day because he knows us and knows the best way for us to live thriving, flourishing, and joyful lives amidst the challenges and struggles we face.

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