This week, we enter into the first week of Lent. As we mentioned in our Ash Wednesday blog last week, throughout Lent we are going to be taking time each week to immerse ourselves in a lament psalm, to help us to look honestly at the sin and brokenness in our lives and to turn it towards Jesus.
This week we are reading Psalm 38, a psalm that teaches us to grieve our sin, cry out to God in our visceral pain, and pour out our longings before him. Let this psalm give you permission to vent your own frustrations before your heavenly Father, knowing that he holds you in his love as you do.
Psalm 38
Lord, don't rebuke me in your anger
or discipline me in your rage!
2Your arrows have struck deep,
and your blows are crushing me.
3Because of your anger, my whole body is sick;
my health is broken because of my sins.
4My guilt overwhelms me—
it is a burden too heavy to bear.
5My wounds fester and stink
because of my foolish sins.
6I am bent over and racked with pain.
All day long I walk around filled with grief.
7A raging fever burns within me,
and my health is broken.
8I am exhausted and completely crushed.
My groans come from an anguished heart.
9You know what I long for, Lord;
you hear my every sigh.
10My heart beats wildly, my strength fails,
and I am going blind.
11My loved ones and friends stay away, fearing my disease.
Even my own family stands at a distance.
12Meanwhile, my enemies lay traps to kill me.
Those who wish me harm make plans to ruin me.
All day long they plan their treachery.
13But I am deaf to all their threats.
I am silent before them as one who cannot speak.
14I choose to hear nothing,
and I make no reply.
15For I am waiting for you, O Lord.
You must answer for me, O Lord my God.
16I prayed, "Don't let my enemies gloat over me
or rejoice at my downfall."
17I am on the verge of collapse,
facing constant pain.
18But I confess my sins;
I am deeply sorry for what I have done.
19I have many aggressive enemies;
they hate me without reason.
20They repay me evil for good
and oppose me for pursuing good.
21Do not abandon me, O Lord.
Do not stand at a distance, my God.
22Come quickly to help me,
O Lord my saviour.
Reflection Questions
Before moving on, take a moment to pause and make this prayer your own. Ask yourself…
- What guilt is overwhelming you right now?
- What wounds are you carrying right now?
- What do you long for?
- What are you waiting for God to do?
Speak with God about these things.
Taking It Further This Week: Fasting
"What are you giving up for Lent?" Perhaps you have been asked this question before with some measure of guilt attached. But why do Christians give things up, especially food, for Lent? Today's video for the first week of Lent answers that question. And it invites us to consider how giving up food is one of the most tangible ways that we can be reminded of our weakness as human beings and our need for God to sustain us. We encourage you to watch the video whenever you have a free five minutes in your day. After you finish the video, choose a day this week when you will participate in this week's Lent challenge: fasting until sundown. Finally, read the Scripture passages below, and spend a few minutes writing out any thoughts, feelings, or prayers you have. Consider returning to these passages a couple of times throughout the week (especially on your fast day) to help refocus your heart on Jesus, his death, and his resurrection, during this first week of Lent.
We highly recommend downloading the Participant's Journal for The Lent Experience, which is meant to accompany the videos with helpful suggestions for engaging in each Lent challenge. You can even print it out and use it to journal your thoughts and prayers throughout this season.
Scripture for Further Reflection
- Colossians 2:6-3:17
- Galatians 5
- Matthew 6:1-18
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