Support for Starfish Pack

18Sep, 2024

I am thrilled that I can, once again, write to let everyone know that we have received more support for Starfish Pack South Delta. The Delta Community Foundation opened a 2024 Community Prosperity Fund Grant and through this grant, we were awarded $15,000 for the program!

This grant could not have been better timed, as with the increased food prices and inflation we were working hard to fundraise and keep our costs down. We are now serving 60+ students which means that our yearly costs are around $45,000 per year. Through generous grants like this, we can ensure that the Starfish Pack program will continue for years.

We are incredibly thankful that the Delta Community Foundation selected us as one of the recipients of this award and we are so thankful to be a part of this wonderful community that supports the work that we are doing for students and families.

For more information on Starfish Pack South Delta, click the button below.

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Starfish Pack

Posted by Mary Grierson

Mary has been on our church staff since 2016, serving in the roles of Interim Worship Director, Associate Director of Worship, and now, Director of Community Life. Mary works on organizing church-wide events, integrating new members into our church family, working with community groups, and managing the Starfish Pack and SDBC Tutoring programs along with other community outreach initiatives. She is passionate about loving Jesus, loving people, and loving our community.

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