With the beginning of 2025, I am inclined to not only look ahead but also to look back. Looking back, I see where God spoke and laid on the hearts of eight people the need for a specific ministry for our seniors.
I take the liberty to describe the eight team members: we are average, ordinary, "run-of-the-mill" believers who stepped out in faith, trusting that God would guide and direct us both individually and collectively in our efforts to serve our seniors and bring glory to his name. Each team member was asked to draw from their personal walk with God, as well as their knowledge and experiences, to share with others within the ministry framework of spiritual enrichment, socializing and fellowship, learning something new, and serving others.
The options supporting spiritual enrichment are the most popular choices. Other offerings have included storytelling, how to write your own story, record-keeping for seniors, and a robust missions interest where several missionaries have been our special guests. We have also had presentations on activities of daily living, healthy meals for seniors, safety in the home, physical activity, and general information on what is happening in our fast-moving world—just so we can be part of the conversation.
God is good, so kind, so gracious, and oh so faithful. Just when you think the well is dry, God, through our seniors, has encouraged our team, given us new ideas, and inspired us with their love of coming together. TO GOD BE THE GLORY.
Looking ahead, we ask for your prayers—that we will continue to wait on the Lord for his guidance and direction, and that we will not run ahead no matter how great our plans might seem. Since our start-up in September, we have welcomed at least one or two new attendees each time we meet, including some from our church and others from the community. We are so thankful for all those who are so helpful, including the kitchen team, the custodian who sets up our room, the pastors, and everyone in between. I couldn't be more grateful.
If you are a senior, we invite you to join us for our next Seniors for Seniors gathering on Tuesday, January 28th @ 9:30AM here at the church in the Chapel. We will begin with a hot breakfast which will be prepared by our kitchen team, providing an opportunity to catch up with friends and fellowship together. There is no need to bring your lunch. Instead, consider bringing a friend along. Our program will conclude around 12:30PM.
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