
23Oct, 2024

My colleague preached on John 14:16 last Sunday, where Jesus says, "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Helper, to be with you forever" (emphasis mine). What does it mean to be given a helper? The New Testament was written in the Koine Greek language, and the word translated as "Helper" is παράκλητος (paraklētos), which has several English translations. This word can be translated as comforter, advocate, counsellor, intercessor, or legal assistant. Some scholars transliterate paraklētos to "paraclete," because they find it difficult to just use one English word to represent the many nuances associated with the word.

When you consider the etymology of the word, para- means "beside" or "alongside," and klētos derives from another Greek verb, καλέω (kaleo), which means "to call." In this context, Jesus promises us the Holy Spirit, who walks alongside us, which means he is close enough to hear us and come to our aid when we cry out to him for help.

Another Greek word used in the bible for Helper is βοηθός (boēthos), which etymologically can be defined as "one who runs to the aid of those who cry for help." This imagery of the Holy Spirit walking alongside us so that he is right there when we call out for help is amazing. Moreover, the thought of our God running to our aid when we cry out to him is beautiful. God is our helper. I pray that this brings you peace, comfort, and encouragement.

- as seen in The Delta Optimist

Posted by Paul Park

Paul joined South Delta Baptist Church in 2013 and has fallen in love with the church since then. He transitioned into the lead pastor role in late 2017, and has been blessed to serve Jesus and the community of South Delta alongside SDBC. He has a strong passion for preaching God’s word and living a missional life empowered by the love of Christ and the Holy Spirit. Outside of ministry, Paul enjoys spending time with his beautiful wife Sarah, and their children Nathan and Christianne.

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