Why is it so hard for men to get together? We are called to fellowship together in community (Hebrews 10:24-25). One of those communities are the men of South Delta. Despite the call to be in fellowship, many men find themselves isolated from their Christian brothers.
The bible calls us to fellowship together for many reasons: encouragement (1 Thessalonians 5:11); support (Galatians 6:2); learning (Acts 2:42); social health (1 Peter 3:8); and accountability (Proverbs 27:17) just to name a few. Our Men's Ministry believes this and works to create opportunities for men to fellowship together.
Over the last year, we have done a number of events where groups of men have gathered. A small group was able to snowshoe up Hollyburn Mountain and then enjoy a great lunch together. Many men, including those from our broader South Delta community, were able to listen to BC Lions quarterback Travis Lulay speak at our annual men's breakfast. Another highlight this past year was when a group of men went over together to Camp Qwanoes at the beginning of the summer for the annual work weekend. For those that don't know, Camp Qwanoes is our church's camp that serves to "love kids to a life like no other in Jesus" from the lower mainland and the island. We were able to work side by side on projects together and just hang out and socialize in a wonderful setting. New relationships were formed, and existing ones were strengthened through these experiences.
Our next upcoming opportunity to gather in fellowship is the fall men's retreat which will take place November 23rd-25th at Camp Qwanoes, located on the ocean in beautiful Crofton on Vancouver Island. We will be walking onto the ferry at the Tsawwassen ferry terminal on Friday, November 23rd, and will get picked up and transported to Qwanoes where we will enjoy the company and fellowship of men from South Delta and many other churches. Great food, amazing activities, worship, and great biblical teaching will fill the weekend and provide opportunities for fellowship and reflection. Sunday after lunch, we will be transported back the ferry where can enjoy the trip back to Tsawwassen. Are you being called to join us? For more information, and to register for this retreat, click the button below.
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