It's Our 25th Anniversary!

17Oct, 2024

Keep steady your steps according to God's promise…Make level paths
For your feet and take only ways that are firm.
- Psalm 119:133a, Proverbs 4:26 

In September 1999, First Steps Preschool welcomed the first class of children into South Delta Baptist Church. This September marked the 25th anniversary of First Steps Preschool which is a significant achievement worthy of celebration!

In 1998, a planning committee was created with Dawna-Lyn Broadhead, Margaret Johnson, Lowell & Penny Brecken, Kim Griffin, and Ed Becker. The committee came together to prayerfully plan and design First Steps Preschool. They had a shared vision to create a Christian preschool that would be an outreach to the community, while offering a safe environment where children can grow emotionally, socially, physically, and spiritually.

The primary purpose of First Steps Preschool is to be an outreach and serve as a way for people to be introduced to the church and what it has to offer. Being one of the only Christian-based preschools in South Delta, we desire to build families up and create a community to support them during this season of life.

Another part of our purpose is to be inclusive. First Steps has maintained a great working relationship with REACH Child & Youth Development Society for many years. We desire to be an inclusive preschool who welcomes all children and their unique situations. Part of being inclusive is also ensuring that First Steps is assessable to all families. Accessing government subsidy programs and using our designated fund ensures all children have an opportunity to attend preschool.

Our current First Steps Preschool committee continues to follow the original vision put forth by the founding planning members. We desire to be a leader in early childhood education and provide a place for families to belong to a community of support. Our current committee has six women who are all committed to growing the preschool for years to come. These women are myself (Katie Yakiwchuk), Sue Gibson, Kim Griffin, Sonya Dobson, Lex Baergen (4-year-old parent representative), and Heather Mattei (3-year-old parent representative).

In the ever-changing landscape of our community, SDBC has continued to provide a high-quality preschool that loves and supports all the children and families who walk through our doors. Raising children in 2024 has many challenges that were not present even a decade ago. Most families have two working parents, and their childcare needs are not the same as when First Steps first opened. We want to ensure that First Steps remains current and continues to offer a faith-based preschool for our growing community.

If you walk or drive past the preschool and see the children playing, please wave and say hello, or use this as a reminder to pray for the children, families, and teaching staff. We are very proud of this ministry and our 25th year of preschool.

For more information about preschool registration, please click the button below. You can also email Katie Yakiwchuk, Director of First Steps Preschool, if you have any questions.

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First Steps Preschool

Posted by Katie Yakiwchuk

Katie has been a part of the SDBC family since 1995. She is passionate about teaching young children and navigating through life with their families. In 2015, she joined the SDBC staff as the Director of Children’s Ministry and in 2016, she transitioned to the role of Director of First Steps Preschool. Katie is married to David and together they have three children: Luke, Adam, and Natalie.

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