Fall Launch and New Beginnings

12Sep, 2024

On our Fall Launch Sunday, the kids poured into the new classrooms, their eyes wide with wonder and excitement. Some were meeting their teachers for the first time, while others were reuniting with familiar faces, their joy infectious. Clearly, they were entering a space where they could learn about God's love and grow in community.

As families returned after a summer of travel and downtime, there was a palpable sense of renewal. Parents greeted one another with smiles, sharing stories of their summer adventures, but more than that, there was an excitement in the air about the new school year. We saw new families walk through our doors, many registering for the first time. These new faces were met with warmth, and it was evident that God was drawing them into something special here. The kids, eager to dive into their new classrooms, became little beacons of energy and joy, reminding us all of the beauty in childlike faith and the fresh start that every new season brings.

Through every classroom, every interaction, and every smile exchanged, we felt God's presence moving. The kids' wing was alive with a sense of purpose, and we could sense God stirring something new in the hearts of both children and parents. The excitement for this school year wasn't just about new supplies or schedules—it was about growing deeper in faith, building community, and witnessing God's hand at work in every detail. As we step into this season, we know God is writing a new story in the lives of these kids and their families, and we are blessed to be part of it.

As we celebrate the joy of this new season, we ask that you join us in prayer for the families and children in our church. Pray that God would continue to guide and nurture these young hearts as they grow in their understanding of his love. Pray for the parents, that they would feel supported and strengthened in their role as spiritual leaders in their homes. And pray for our church, that we would be a place of welcome, warmth, and growth for all who enter. Together, let's ask God to pour out his blessings over this school year and the incredible journey ahead.


Posted by Kaitlyn Parker

Kaitlyn has attended SDBC since 2012 and started working with SDBC Kids in May 2016. She is working with the SDBC Kids team to organize Sunday morning programs, as well as special events. Kaitlyn graduated from Trinity Western University with a Bachelor of Arts in World Languages and Cultures. She is passionate about helping children of all ages learn about who they are in Christ.

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