Connections Made at Our Christmas Celebration Sunday

22Dec, 2022

We had so much fun celebrating Christmas together as a church family last Sunday. Thank you for joining us to decorate gingerbread houses and to just hang out and enjoy one another over some good food. Congratulations to those who won the gingerbread competition! I hope everyone had lots of fun!

The desired outcome for these events is for us to have opportunities to connect meaningfully, and I saw many connections happening. I met a few new people to our church who recently moved to South Delta. I noticed that some of you connected with these new people and showed them our trademark "Radical Hospitality." Thank you for continuing to support our vision to love like Jesus through your hospitality of newcomers. We are building this culture of "Radical Hospitality and Meaningful Connections" together, and it is exciting to see it come alive through your faithfulness.

Moreover, we had several volunteers help us host this event. Thank you for serving our church family by giving us the opportunity to show hospitality to one another and make meaningful connections. Whether you served setting up and tearing down, or in the kitchen, or in any other capacity, you made this event possible! Your sacrifice of time and resources allows us to create a space and time for our vision to come alive. Thank you for your faithful service to the church family.

During the rest of this Christmas season, we will have more opportunities to gather together to celebrate the birth of Jesus our King. Please join us this Saturday for our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at 5PM and on Sunday for our Christmas Day Service at 10AM. We look forward to worshipping our Saviour with you this weekend!

Christmas 2022

Posted by Paul Park

Paul joined South Delta Baptist Church in 2013 and has fallen in love with the church since then. He transitioned into the lead pastor role in late 2017, and has been blessed to serve Jesus and the community of South Delta alongside SDBC. He has a strong passion for preaching God’s word and living a missional life empowered by the love of Christ and the Holy Spirit. Outside of ministry, Paul enjoys spending time with his beautiful wife Sarah, and their children Nathan and Christianne.

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