This week we hear from Megan Sprinkle, a lovely, passionate, hard-working team member here at SDBC. Megan serves faithfully at SDBC and has done so for many years. From helping to lead the youth Salt Spring team, to working in kids ministry, to working the check-in station during COVID-19, Megan is an MVP here at SDBC and we are thankful for her.
What is your role at SDBC and how long have you worked here?
My role at SDBC is the Children's Ministry Coordinator, and I have worked here for almost six years.
What is something about you that people in the church might be surprised to discover?
I have been attending SDBC for over 20 years now!
What are some of the things you love most about being part of the SDBC community/family?
I really love and value being part of a multi-generational community, whether it is with my community group or the people I serve with.
How has your role shifted and changed since the start of COVID-19?
My role has not changed much, but how I do my job has changed. I prepare our SDBC Kids programs each week for our toddlers up to grade four. Because of COVID-19, SDBC Kids has shifted to an online format. Each week, instead of preparing our classrooms for Sunday, I am preparing our digital lessons and distributing them to our families via email and social media. We have had to be creative in the way we do our events too. This summer, we participated in a virtual VBS with families all over the world, we were able to hold fun events while keeping physically distant outdoors, and we hand-delivered activities for our kids to their homes. Doing our ministry online has also allowed me to be a part of the Sunday morning registration team which I enjoy as I get to meet so many more people in our church.
What are some of the challenges and triumphs you have encountered in your life and work since the beginning of COVID-19?
I think one of the challenges but also a triumph I have encountered since the beginning of COVID-19 is the ability to adapt. Working in a school with my full-time job and with SDBC Kids, I have had to make a huge leap into using technology to connect and deliver information. Working in an offsite education system and now a hybrid of offsite and onsite has allowed me to transfer skills learned to be used in the SDBC Kids ministry. It has allowed me to be more creative in how we reach families and over all, has been an organic way to rethink and redesign our ministry.
How can we pray for you in this season of life?
I would appreciate prayers for overall health and safety during this pandemic as I am interacting with many people in my daily work.
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