An Exciting Year of Ministry and Kingdom Opportunity

19Sep, 2024

What a year it has been so far! We have seen God move in incredible ways through our ministries, events, and community impact. From people being saved and baptized to growth in ministries from children to seniors, we are excited to see how God will continue to use us to expand his kingdom; seeing people transformed by the gospel over the course of 2024 and beyond. Thank you for your continued partnership in this mission. Through your generous support, we've expanded our ministries and engaged our community in meaningful ways by living out our church's vision to Love Like Jesus through Radical Hospitality and Meaningful Connections.

Where We Stand Financially

However, with all the growth and opportunities we've embraced, we also find ourselves at a crucial financial juncture. While giving has been consistent, and we've maintained consistent revenue flows from rentals and our Southpointe Parking Lot Lease, we also increased our budget last year to match the ministry goals we believe God has called us to pursue. This included stretching ourselves to increase our giving as a church for 2024. 

As we near the final quarter of the year, we are operating in line with our budget, but we find ourselves facing a deficit. Our year-to-date revenue ending in August is $806,000 and our year-to-date expenses ending in August are $915,000. Even though we are in a deficit (-$109,000) and behind our Tithes and Offerings goal of $758,5000 (received end of August: $631,000), we are not holding back in our mission. We are moving forward in faith, trusting God's timing while remaining wise stewards of the resources he is providing. We are committed to stretching ourselves and challenging the church to grow, but always at God's pace, aligning with his plans. As Proverbs 16:9 reminds us, "The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps." We trust that as we faithfully steward what God has provided, he will direct us in the right timing and way to achieve the mission he has set before us.

Your Role in This Journey

We invite everyone who calls SDBC their home church to prayerfully consider how they can increase their giving. Whether you're already a consistent giver or considering giving for the first time, we ask that you take this opportunity to evaluate your budget and ask how God may be calling you to contribute to our church's mission and vision.

Remember, giving is not just about supporting the church's financial needs. It's about growing your relationship with God and participating in his kingdom work through SDBC. Jesus taught that "it is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35). God challenges his people to give and witness how he blesses the lives of faithful givers (Malachi 3:10). 

The Call to Action

From a place of abundance of what God has blessed us with, let's fuel ministry and continue pursuing the kingdom goals we believe God has set before us. We ask every consistent giver—one of the 289 faithful giving partnerships at SDBC—to increase their weekly tithes and offerings by $25. This faith stretch can significantly impact our ability to fully fund the mission and ministry that God has entrusted to us. We will achieve our monthly giving goal if we respond collectively as a faith community and increase our giving by $25 weekly.

If you are not currently giving regularly, we encourage you to start. Begin with $25 a week, and you will see God do amazing things with it. You'll begin to experience the joy of being a part of God's kingdom work through our church, and you'll see how your heart grows as you obediently follow God's commands. If you call SDBC home, please begin giving regularly!

Let's Finish Strong

We believe that God has called us to a mission that includes loving like Jesus, obedience to the Great Commandment and Great Commission, and impacting our community and beyond. As we steward the resources God provides, we do so with unwavering faith that he will continue to supply our needs.

Please prayerfully consider how you can participate, whether increasing your weekly giving by $25 or even $5. Your faithful response will have a lasting impact on our church and the people we serve.

2 Corinthians 9:7 reminds us, "Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." We trust that, as we step out in faith, God will provide for our needs and enable us to fulfil the mission to which he has called us.

Stay Updated on Giving

Each week in our newsletter, we provide a Giving Update that includes

  1. our monthly giving goal and the total received so far; and
  2. our year-to-date goal and what has been received.

Thank you for your continued generosity toward the various kingdom initiatives we pursue as a church. Together, let's keep advancing the gospel and seeing lives transformed through the love of Christ.

SDBC, let's do this!

Ways to Give

Church Family

Posted by Jordan Scott

Jordan has been attending South Delta Baptist Church ever since he was saved at 15, in 1999. Since then, he has been actively involved at SDBC, eventually becoming part of the staff in 2006 as a youth intern. From his time serving as a youth intern, Jordan answered a call to enter full-time ministry in 2013, and has been in a pastoral role overseeing youth, communications, and other areas of ministry. Outside of ministry, Jordan loves spending time with his wife, Kristianne, and is always ready for an adventure.

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