Thanksgiving Offering: Refugee Sponsorship Fund

25Sep, 2024

Thanksgiving Day is coming soon, and we have some exciting news to share. As many of you already know, our church is in the process of sponsoring a Syrian refugee family, and we set out to raise $80,000 as a part of this process. As we embarked on this journey, we understood that this life-changing (and potentially life-saving) project could only be achieved by God's grace and through the sacrifice of God's people. We are happy to report that we have raised just shy of $49,000 so far, and someone outside of our church community recently pledged to give $30,000, which means we are close to achieving our targeted amount of $80,000. Praise God for his provision for this amazing work! And thank you for your sacrificial and faithful partnership in this important work.

The original target amount of $80,000 did not include the cost of flights for the family, which the family must pay back to the government eventually. Therefore, it would be ideal if we could raise a bit more than our targeted amount so that the family's airfare could be covered, and that the family would not be in debt as they begin their new lives here in Canada. In light of this situation, our Thanksgiving Offering this year will go toward the Refugee Sponsorship Fund. If you use the Thanksgiving Offering envelopes to give, or if you clearly mark "Thanksgiving Offering" on your giving envelopes or virtual giving platforms, your donation will go directly to the externally designated fund that has been established to support the Refugee Sponsorship project. We invite you to participate in this opportunity to express our gratitude as an act of worship to our Provider. May God bless you abundantly as you continue to steward his finances faithfully.

We also received a gift of a 40 ft. storage container that we could use for free to store the items being donated for this refugee family. This is an answer to prayer. If you have items that you want to give to this family, you can connect with our Refugee Sponsorship Team via email by clicking the button below to inquire about what the family needs.

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