Meaningful Connections Made at Our Family Picnic

18Jul, 2024

Last Thursday, we had the opportunity to come together as a church family to enjoy a family picnic at Centennial Beach. The evening was filled with laughter, singing, some excited screams, good conversation, and much fun! We enjoyed eating a meal together and being in each other's company. We spent time sliding down slides in every way possible, swinging across every monkey bar, zooming across the zip line, and flying high on the swings. We ran around in the sand, looked for cool seashells, and threw rocks in any puddle of water to be found. We were joined by around 50 people from the children's and Korean ministries. Throughout the night, we formed many meaningful connections and strengthened existing ones. Thank you to everyone who came out to make this night an incredible one!

If you missed this Kids summer event, fear not. We have one more family picnic on August 29th at Memorial Park in Ladner. Keep your eyes on the newsletter for all the details closer to the date. We hope to see you there!

SDBC KidsChurch Family

Posted by Katie Barczi

Katie has attended SDBC since childhood and joined the staff at 17 as a summer intern for the SDBC Kids ministry. Katie is looking forward to working in and giving back to the ministry that helped build her faith as a kid. She is excited to develop deeper connections with the families and children in the kids' ministry and help develop their faith.

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