Making Summer Memories

20Jun, 2024

Summer is fast approaching! Kids are out of school, sports teams are taking a break, and clubs have stopped meeting, all of which gives us time to slow the pace of family life. Having this extra time as a family can be overwhelming to some but exciting to others. However you feel about summer, I encourage you to look at the summer months as an opportunity to make fun memories with your kids. 

Some of my kid's favourite summer memories include having jammie days (when I didn't care if they were dressed or not), going on camping trips and trips to the beach; learning to bake, and, of course, eating their baking. When our kids were older they loved sleeping in the tent in the backyard and playing endless board games or card games. Kids camp at church was also a huge highlight for my kids. 

Creating summer memories with your family can be incredibly meaningful and fulfilling. Here are some ideas to help you make those memories:

  • Have the kids plan a family field trip, something fun that would take a few hours.
  • Plan a family games night or make it a party and invite friends over to play games. Let your kids plan the menu and games for the evening.
  • Read scripture or a book series together with everyone taking turns reading.
  • Have your kids cook dinner one night. They can plan and execute the meal, under your supervision.
  • Give screen time a purpose by finding some fun, educational apps or find a fun app you can connect over, like Heads Up! or Mad Libs.
  • Take walks or hikes together, as this is a great time to talk with your kids.
  • Clean the house together. This will give the kids ownership of their mess and hopefully help them to keep things tidy. No promises here though.

Summer gives you ample opportunities for connection with your kids in whatever time you have available. Remember: your kids will remember how they felt during summer break, not the items they did or didn't get. True connection is what matters most.

Our SDBC Kids team has also planned some fun events for the summer to help you make memories with your family. We will be hosting our summer kick-off family service and carnival this Sunday, and have planned a couple family picnics, as well as a few different summer camps. Registration is required for the Science Camp, Baking Camp, and Ocean Cruise Bible Camp. To register, please visit our website. We look forward to making memories with you this summer.

Posted by Sue Gibson

Sue joined the team at SDBC in August 2001 and is now serving as Director of Family Life. Sue and her husband, Rob, both started attending the church in their childhood years. The couple has three married children and seven grandchildren. Sue feels it is a privilege to partner with families for the spiritual growth of their children. Time spent with a child is time never wasted.

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