As is our tradition, our staff will be participating in the Fellowship Pacific's annual convention called, "IMPACT." This is a gathering of constituent churches from all over British Columbia and Yukon, and it is a time of worship, handling the business of the Fellowship Pacific, and mutual encouragement for ministry leaders. Our staff often come away from IMPACT being highly encouraged, and we pray that it will be so this year.
This year, IMPACT will be happening in Nanaimo. Please pray for our staff and the Fellowship Pacific family as we gather. Due to the staff being away for IMPACT, our office will be closed on April 19th and 20th. Ministry events at the church building will still be on, but the office area will be closed for these dates. Also, we will be hearing from Pastor Rick Burdett on April 23rd as he preaches God's word for this service. We are looking forward to spending some time away as a staff, and we are also looking forward to Pastor Rick's sermon!
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