Growing Deeper Together as Disciples of Jesus

30Jun, 2022

Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him, the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. - Ephesians 4:15-16

Our relationship with Jesus Christ, grounded in prayer, scripture, community, and service, is central to everything in our life. I do not anticipate anyone reading that statement would disagree. But, have you ever considered how your relationship with others also helps you to grow and follow God?

Summer has arrived, even if the weather does not know it yet, and, for many of us, a time of a more relaxed pace begins. While we were still in pandemic mode at the beginning of this year, we shifted from Zoom to in-person meetings for our community and small groups. That said, even during the pandemic, groups met either on Zoom or in person when they were permitted. Indeed, everyone was thrilled to meet in person to develop friendships and a more intentional relationship once again. We have even had numerous new smaller groups of three people start up which has led to more intimate sharing and accountability. I want to take the opportunity to reflect on how God has been working in those lives and the discipleship initiative of Growing Deeper Together these past months.

Here is one person's reflection on this time.

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another - Proverbs 27:17

"When I first learned that the concept of groups of three people was going to be introduced to the church family, I was immediately interested. I had been looking for a way to revitalize and deepen my spiritual walk, and this sounded like what I was needing.

I had the opportunity to meet with some others and look over the study material, which confirmed my belief that I was on the right path. I was put into a group of three. Before our first meeting, there was a natural degree of nervousness. I had been in some smaller study groups before, but none were this intimate. However, when something is of the Lord, and is anointed by the Holy Spirit, we need not fear. From our very first meeting, there was a natural ease and a level of trust that could only come from God. The material was challenging, sometimes opening up issues you thought had been dealt with, only to find you had only buried them, without actually resolving things. Again, it was the trust that made each week a joy to walk together.

We intend to continue together in the fall and the challenge now is to not let it become just another exercise that we went through but to incorporate everything we learned together, into our daily life and practice, as God continues to conform us to the image of Christ."

Creative and consistent commitment to God's call requires the help of others! The model of the relationship of Jesus with his disciples is a great example. While each disciple heard and responded to a unique and personal call to follow Jesus, each also entered into a community of disciples or intentional relationships. The example of Jesus with his inner circle of disciples (there were three of them) is particularly poignant because of three facets that yoked or grew them together.

First, we experience the power of God together. This dynamic aspect of small group discipleship plays a crucial role. There is little as powerful as a shared experience, particularly when we see God so powerfully in the life of another.

Second, we experience a revelation of a person. No one will open their true identity to everyone, but there is safety in a trusted few.

Third, we learn and grow most through pain. Amazingly, this was even true of Jesus, as the author of Hebrews makes clear, declaring that he, "learned obedience through what he suffered."

Our lives, the lives of faithful disciples, and the lives of courageous leaders are sharpened and deepened in community with other servant leaders. Let's face it, we are in a constant battle. We are under constant temptation, we face regular opposition, we face systematic challenges, we deal with our own flesh, and we face the devil with his guises. We need to be more than equipped alone and we need to be more than part of the army of the Lord; we need a "group" of brothers and sisters who are sharpening their swords together, who are guarding one another, who are encouraging each other amid weakness and frailty, who know how to heal each other, and can walk forward through life on the arduous and FRUITFUL journey.

This is how we have been growing deeper TOGETHER this past year. If you have not joined a community or small group yet, then please email me in time for the fall when we will kick-off once more, growing deeper together as disciples of Jesus.

Posted by Rebecca van den Brink

Rebecca first started attending SDBC with her husband, Joost, and three children in 1996. After completing her Master’s in Theology at Regent College in 2015, she developed her passion for shepherding for the Lord and went into vocational ministry. She has since been abroad in ministry and taught in Hong Kong and Stavanger, Norway, where she was ordained. Now back in Canada, Rebecca joined the SDBC team in spring 2021 and is thrilled to be able to spend more time with her family, especially her first grandson, Josiah, and to love the flock of South Delta.

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