Get Excited for Our Christmas Celebration!

14Dec, 2023

Did you know that December 17th is just four days away? And this year, December 17th is a very exciting day for our church family: we will be having a church family celebration! From the service to the post service activities, we have planned tons of special details and events for us to enjoy as a whole church family.

During the service, we will celebrate another Sunday of Advent together with the lighting of the Joy candle and another special Advent video. We will see our SDBC kids sing a beautiful Christmas song, and we will worship together as we love to do together every Sunday.

After the service, we will head into the gym to participate in all of the festivities. Our main event is our gingerbread house building competition! Today is the last day for registration, so if you are interested in participating in this fun competition, please email Sue Gibson, our Director of Family Life, by the end of the day. You can make one with your family, your kids, your grandkids, your community group, your friends, or your neighbours! Please invite your friends and neighbours out for this celebration. If you are not interested in entering the competition, don't worry! You are still invited to our festive celebration in the gym. We will have a food truck in the courtyard for everyone to purchase lunch from and we will be fellowshipping and hanging out in the gym together. 

The food truck this year is offering us many options. Please take a look and consider joining us for a meal, fellowship time, and Christmas celebration after the service on the 17th.

  • Hot Dog/Fries - $15
  • Chicken Nuggets/Fries - $15
  • Fish and Chips - $15
  • Burritos (chicken or veggie) - $15

We are one church family, and we look forward to seeing you on Sunday and celebrating the birth of Jesus and the beauty of community together.

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service // 10AM
Our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service will take place in person on Sunday, December 24th at 10AM and will also be live-streamed through our usual church online platform. Childcare will be available for those aged 0-2 years. For kids aged 3-8 who will be attending the service in person, we will have activity bags that can be picked up at the entrances to our main auditorium.

Christmas 2023

Posted by Mary Grierson

Mary has been on our church staff since 2016, serving in the roles of Interim Worship Director, Associate Director of Worship, and now, Director of Community Life. Mary works on organizing church-wide events, integrating new members into our church family, working with community groups, and managing the Starfish Pack and SDBC Tutoring programs along with other community outreach initiatives. She is passionate about loving Jesus, loving people, and loving our community.

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