Fellowship Pacific Highlights SDBC Korean Ministry

13Jun, 2024

In Fellowship Pacific's June newsletter, they highlighted SDBC Korean Ministry, and we wanted to share the story with you here:

"As we embrace being BOLDLY FORWARD, NEVER ALONE as Fellowship Pacific, one of the key ways we live this out is through church planting and we are excited to share more stories with you from our church plants this year! This month we want to introduce you to SDBC Korean Ministry!

A Story from Grace Kim, Director of Korean Ministry

My family moved here from South Korea four years ago. We came here with a heart to raise up the next generation to be global leaders equipped with the gospel. However, I never envisioned ministering to Koreans at South Delta Baptist Church. What has happened here is beyond my wildest dreams. It was definitely God's providence and leading. When I arrived in Canada, the COVID-19 pandemic forced me to study for my Doctor of Ministry program for two and a half years, and I believe that God was in control of me and South Delta Baptist Church during that time. The pandemic, which was challenging in many ways, was a time for me to deepen my search and meditation on God's will in leading me here. At the same time, I believe it was a time of shaping South Delta Baptist Church into a mature community of faith that wanted to embody the gospel through radical (biblical) hospitality."

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