Wow, all community group and cohort leaders, you are amazing! I joined the SDBC staff 18 months ago and the stories of your faithful perseverance are something to be celebrated and acknowledged. You have patiently endured many things over the past few years, and I want you to know that you are deeply important to us here at SDBC. You are the building blocks who weekly enact radical hospitality and meaningful connections amid, at times, circumstances beyond your control, and yet you continue. We appreciate you all and want to celebrate your commitment to disciple-making. It is what you do every week in growing others in deeper ways. Thank you.
As you use God's Word to encourage and exhort one another, I would like to do the same, heartening you by paraphrasing the apostle Paul from Romans 12:9-13:
You love from the centre of who you are in how you faithfully serve.
You hold onto truth amid the world's take on things.
You are good friends who love each other deeply in your groups.
You are balanced, keeping yourselves fuelled and aflame for God, yet alert and servants of our Lord, cheerfully expectant of his saving grace, holding onto his hope.
You have not quit in the hard times; even some of you have prayed all the harder!
And, you have helped one another profoundly as you were inventive in hospitality.
While I hear many stories from those who attend community groups, I have seen with my eyes the love and devotion you each pour into your groups. I have been overwhelmed with a feeling of ready acceptance that originates from your very core. You have opened hearts to transmit God's unconditional love to all that attend. I am overcome by the grace through which you extend God's mercy in listening and making a safe space for everyone to be heard. That, to me, is genuine biblical hospitality. Every meeting I have had the privilege of attending or when I have connected with one of you leaders, has been a moment in which time is intentionally focused on growth and listening to the Holy Spirit at work and each time together is truly a blessing from God. Thank you all for being so faithful and on purpose with God in this mission to go and make disciples.
If you want to start a community group or cohort, please email me, Rebecca, Director of Discipleship and Care Ministry. I would also love to have coffee and meet with you. You can also learn more about community groups at SDBC by clicking here.
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