Vine imagery was common in the ancient world, teaching that a vine's purpose of existence is the bearing of fruit for its owner. Jesus' claims in John 15 that he alone is the "true vine" was in contrast to those who claimed to be bearing fruit while not abiding in him. In John 15:5, Jesus tells those who had come to know and love him, his disciples, that to bear fruit meant abiding fully in him, for without him we bear no fruit.
This verse was chosen as the key verse for Senior Ministry, knowing that whatever stage of life we may be in, we are still totally reliant on Jesus for our bearing of fruit for his kingdom. It should never stop. Based upon this verse, the Senior Ministry team has decided on the ministry objectives and discussed how these objectives may be realized. Senior Ministry has a broad vision which will be realized in small steps, trusting in the Lord as he guides accordingly.
Please pray for those willing to serve in this ministry. It's an exciting time as they move forward with their plans and vision. Keep an eye out for more information as it will be coming soon.
If you have any questions about Senior Ministry, please email Rebecca van den Brink, our Director of Discipleship and Care Ministries.
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