Happy New Year to you all! I trust you had a wonderful time over the holidays with your family and friends.
A new year can bring on many new commitments for families that can bring busyness to the household. Our Kids Team is committed to helping our families raise their children to love like Jesus and to show who Jesus is to others. We have been blessed by some of your stories of your kids: some who have accepted the Lord as their Saviour, a child’s desire for baptism, and children bringing their friends to our events. We are excited when we are able to come alongside parents who dedicate their children to the Lord. We find it an honour and pleasure to assist our families in any way we can as they raise their kids.
We have many new families who have started attending over this past year and we are eager to get to know them and serve them. One way we can do this is to have family events, and so we will have our first Grand Prix races on January 31st at 7PM. Families are invited to purchase a car kit from our Kids Team and create their own car to participate in the races to see who will be the fastest. You can purchase your $10 car kit from the bus starting January 5th. The kit includes a small pine block of wood, stickers, plastic wheels, axels, and instructions on how to construct a race car. You will be assigned a number, which is provided, and this number must be placed on the completed car.
As a family, you can design your car any way you want. If you need help cutting out your car, let us know and we can direct you to get help. We will need the cars back by Sunday January 26th, in order to weigh them and be ready for the races on the 31st. More information will be with the car kits when you purchase them.
Please join us on race day to see which family will have the fastest car! There will be prizes too! Important dates to remember are:
- January 5th, 12th, & 19th: car kits on sale at the bus
- January 26th: last day to turn in completed cars
- January 31st: Grand Prix Races at 7PM
For more information, click the button below, or email Sue Gibson, our Director of Family Life.
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