The word hallelujah has been spoken, shouted, and sung for centuries. Its origins are in the Hebrew language, a combination of two words: "Hallel" (which means praise) and "Jah" (meaning God). In light of all that Easter means, from Good Friday to Easter Sunday, can you think of a better word for God's people to shout out? Hallelujah! Hallelujah for the cross! Hallelujah he's alive!
Easter weekend will be a very special one at SDBC. When we think back a couple years, with the beginning of the pandemic, many of us thought we would be back together in time for Easter. Boy, were we wrong. But, here we are now, after missing not just one Easter together in person, but two, and I know, Lord willing, Easter 2022 with be a beautiful celebration, with much gratitude, and a whole lot of hallelujahs! With more and more people joining our in-person services recently, we are excited for all the plans to unfold. Here is a little overview of what's happening Easter weekend.
Good Friday
I know it may seem awkward to shout hallelujah on Good Friday, in light of remembering all that Jesus endured on the way to the cross, but as followers of Jesus today, we know now what the cross means for us. We know that his sacrifice of love, and the offering of his life in the place of ours, is what has allowed for us to be forgiven. So we will gather that morning, and reflect on the way Jesus showed us "the full extent of his love" in laying down his life for us. We will take communion together, remembering Christ's great sacrifice. We will sing Hallelujah for the Cross because we know the cross of Christ means our freedom and forgiveness. Our service will begin at 10AM on Friday, April 15th.
Easter Prayer Vigil
Between Good Friday and Easter, many from our church will be engaging in prayer. When Jesus was in the tomb, there was a great time of darkness that shadowed his followers. They were confused and distraught, thinking all was lost. Imagine more so, all that went on in the heavenly realms, as all of God's creation beheld the death of the Messiah. It is crucial that God's people pray with hope, through the darkness. Through the darkness of war and disunity, through the darkness of pandemics and sickness, through the darkness of personal turmoil and broken relationships. Know that you are invited to join this prayer vigil. You can sign up for prayer slots in the foyer on Sundays.
Easter Sunday
HE IS RISEN! As anticipated and expected, we are gearing up for a huge hallelujah party on Easter. Prior to the worship service, we will be hosting a Pancake Breakfast in the gym from 8:30AM-9:30AM. What a great way to start the day with our church family! All are welcome. During our Sunday Worship service at 10AM, we will all be a part of a great host of hallelujahs as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. SDBC Kids will be in on the celebration, with lots of activities for kids that morning, including an Easter egg hunt after the service. Parents, plan to stay a little after church so your kids can enjoy! This Sunday will be an incredible time for everyone to hear the gospel.
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