At last, the day is here! For weeks, we have been longing and preparing our hearts. And now the journey through Advent is complete and the feast of Christmas begins!
Today, we celebrate the one who brings hope, peace, joy, and love into our lives by coming to be with us that first Christmas Eve. And so today, as we delight in these gifts and all of the good things Christmas brings, let us remember to SPEAK JESUS – to say thank you to him whenever we catch glimpses of his light, remembering that "Christ is light!"
And let us also not forget that, traditionally, Christmas is not a single day but a twelve-day feasting season that teaches us to long for the day when we will feast with God and all of our brothers and sisters at the great banquet table (Revelation 19:9). We hope you will enter into the joy and delight of this feast in the days ahead, enjoying the presence of those you love, and the presence of the God who wants to enjoy it all with you, Jesus Christ, God with us.
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