Join us for our live service at 10AM. Our Children's Program is available during the service for kids up to grade 4. Children will be dismissed from the service during the...
Ladies, are you looking for a night out to meet new people and have some fun? Come join us in the chapel as we explore a variety of interesting topics while interacting with...
Get ready for Trivia Nite featuring burgers and pub-style snacks! Come armed with your random knowledge to claim the grand prize for your team! SDBC Young Adults
Our Senior Scene Luncheons are for senior couples, singles, widows, and widowers from within our church, seniors residences, and the community. Senior Scene happens at...
Ladies, are you looking for a night out to meet new people and have some fun? Come join us in the chapel as we explore a variety of interesting topics while interacting with...
On Good Friday, April 18th, at 10AM, we will gather to reflect on the immense cost Jesus paid to redeem us. Walking through John 19, we will remember his suffering...
At SDBC, we have a beautiful tradition of emphasizing prayer during the Easter weekend. This year, our Easter Prayer Meet will be hosted by Pastor Paul and will take place at...
All are welcome to join us for this free pancake breakfast which will be served in the gym between 8:30 and 9:30AM. Bring your friends and family and share some stories of...
Easter Sunday, April 20th, is a day of hope and celebration! Jesus has conquered sin and death, and through him, we have the promise of new and eternal life. The morning...