April 18th
Good Friday Communion Service // 10AM
On Good Friday, April 18th, at 10AM, we will gather to reflect on the immense cost Jesus paid to redeem us. Walking through John 19, we will remember his suffering, his love, and his ultimate sacrifice. This will be a special and reflective worship service, taking place in the gym, where we will pause to meditate on the weight of the cross and the depth of Christ's love for us. This service will not be live-streamed, so make sure to join us in person if you are able to do so.

SDBC Kids will be offering a modified program for kids infant - grade 4. 

Easter Prayer Meet
At SDBC, we have a beautiful tradition of emphasizing prayer during the Easter weekend. This year, our Easter Prayer Meet will be hosted by Pastor Paul and will take place at 10AM on Saturday, April 19th in the Fellowship Hall.

April 20th Easter Sunday
Pancake Breakfast // 8:30-9:30AM
All are welcome to join us for this free pancake breakfast which will be served in the gym between 8:30 and 9:30AM. Bring your friends and family and share some stories of God's goodness and salvation.

Celebration Service // 10AM
Easter Sunday, April 20th, is a day of hope and celebration! Jesus has conquered sin and death, and through him, we have the promise of new and eternal life. The morning will be filled with joy as we gather for a church family pancake breakfast, followed by a worship service centred on the resurrection of Jesus. This Easter we will also celebrate baptisms, a powerful demonstration of new life found in Christ. We will hear testimonies of how Jesus continues to transform lives today. Above all, we will give glory to Jesus for all he has done. Join us in person or online.

SDBC Kids will be running a full program for kids in the nursery up to grade 4 during the service and our annual Easter egg hunt will take place following the service (for children aged infant - grade 4). Please pick your children up from their programs, then head straight to the gym to pickup your collection bags and divide into age groups. This year, we will have three separate age groups: infants & toddlers, preschool & kindergarten, and grades 1-4. Instructions and locations of each hunt will be given out in the gym.

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