Community Groups at SDBC

Community groups are an important part of our church life at South Delta Baptist Church. We believe that God created us to be in community with one another, not walking the Christian life alone in isolation. Jesus himself modelled living in community to us through his relationship with the disciples. They ate together, fellowshipped together, and ministered together.

Hebrews 10:24-25 says, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Here we see this design, God's desire for us to do life together and live in community in order to spur each other on. This is not to say that community is perfect and without challenge, as we are all human. 

One of the members of SDBC has opened up about the fact that joining a community group was crucial for him in making connections at the church. He said, "Moving to a new country, new province, new city, or new church is difficult, even in the most ideal situations. Often the hardest part is connecting and getting to know people, even for those who have come to church for years. One solution is to join a community group."

Similarly, a leader of one of our community groups told us that, "It has been amazing to see how quickly a group of people who really didn't know each other very well, could open up their hearts and start sharing their lives together."

If you have not yet done so, please consider joining a community group here at South Delta Baptist Church. 

Join a Community Group

Leading Community Groups at SDBC

We are blessed to have a church family that desires being in community with one another. Currently, we have over 20 active community groups at SDBC and, this year alone, almost 40 people joined new community groups. Most of our community groups are now full due to the huge demand; this is both something to celebrate, and something that must cause us to take action and begin forming new groups for those who still desire to join a community group. However, in order to form new groups, we need to have leaders willing to lead the groups.

Being a community group leader does not mean that each week you must host, provide snacks, and lead the discussion. This sort of leadership can easily lead to burnout and a heavy reliance on one or two individuals. Our vision for community groups is that multiple members of the group take turns hosting, bringing snacks, and facilitating the discussion of study. This sort of structure allows every member of the group to have a healthy ownership and dedication to the group. We are asking for group leaders, not to carry all the responsibility of an entire group, but to help us foster, build, and grow healthy community groups here at SDBC.

If you are interested in becoming a community group leader, please click the button below to fill out our application form. 

Become a Community Group Leader

Resources for Community Groups

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If you have any questions about community groups or becoming a community group leader, please email Paul Park, Lead Pastor.

Email Paul